
Studio Co-Owner

Erica Whalen

Erica is in love with the practice of yoga. She profoundly believes in its healing effects for the individual body and spirit, as well as the collective whole. She delights in teaching beautiful and expressive asana classes in the hatha vinyasa style.

When Erica found mang’Oh, she was running around New York City teaching at various studios, gyms, and living rooms. As creative director and co-owner of the studio, she is inspired by and grateful for all of the students and teachers that call mang’Oh their yoga home.

Erica has a BFA in Ballet and Modern Dance from Texas Christian University, and she received her yoga certification through Laughing Lotus Yoga School.

Mentor & Senior Faculty

Chintamani Kansas

Chintamani discovered yoga on a whim and quickly realized how powerful, yet simple, yoga can be to help bring balance and healing. Yoga helped Chintamani overcome trauma and redirect her life towards health and wellbeing. She quickly realized yoga was a gift that needed to be shared with everyone. Chintamani teaches classic and specialty yoga, and is a longtime Teacher Trainer in the mang’Oh 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. She continues to study yoga, yoga for injuries and other healing modalities, including Anatomy, Pilates and Mindfulness Meditation. Chintamani’s classes blend mindfulness, alignment and joyful movement; encouraging safety and skillfulness, as well as freedom and expression. Chintamani’s mission is to get us all to move, breathe, find our joy, and feel connected and smart.


Djuna Passman

Djuna’s aversion to yoga quickly dissipated after she discovered the strong physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of a daily practice during a time of personal upheaval. A lifelong love of moving and firm belief in the healing that comes from developing and deepening the mind-body connection have led her to successful careers as a dancer, choreographer, and dance/movement therapist. Feeling a strong desire to share the wonders of yoga with others she received her yoga certification through mang’Oh as part of their inaugural teacher training in 2011. Blending extensive knowledge of the body with choreographic skills and the ability to create and hold a safe space for self-exploration and play, Djuna aims to challenge and inspire her students. She loves sharing her passion for yoga with the mang’Oh community.

Course curriculum

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    Week 1: History of Yoga & Asana (Standing Poses Part 1)

    • 1- The History of Yoga & the 8-Limbed Path

    • 2- Asana: Standing Poses Part 1 - 90 Minute Class

    • 3- Asana: Standing Poses Part 1 - Sequence Review

    • 4- Asana: Standing Poses Part 1 - Virabhadrasana II

    • 5- Asana: Standing Poses Part 1 - Utthita Trikonasana

    • 6- Asana: Standing Poses Part 1 - Utthita Parsvakonasana

    • 7- Asana: Standing Poses Part 1 - Ardha Chandrasana

    • 8- Asana: Standing Poses Part 1 - Vrksasana

    • 11- Week 1 Reading Assignments

    • 12- Week 1 Asana Worksheets - Due by Monday, 11/16/20

    • 13- Week 1 Writing Assignment - Due by Monday, 11/16/20

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    Week 2: Pranayama, Meditation & Asana (Surya Namaskar)

    • 1- Understanding and Experiencing the Fourth Limb: Pranayama

    • 2- Asana: Surya Namaskar - 90-Minute Practice

    • 3- Asana: Surya Namaskar - Sequence Review

    • 4- Asana: Surya Namaskar - Tadasana

    • 5- Asana: Surya Namaskar - Uttanasana

    • 6- Asana: Surya Namaskar - Adho Mukha Svanasana

    • 7- Asana: Surya Namaskar - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

    • 8- Asana: Surya Namaskar - Caturanga Dandasana

    • 11- Week 2 Reading Assignments

    • 12- Week 2 Asana Worksheets - Due by Monday, 11/16/20

    • 13- Week 2 Writing Assignment 1 - Due by Monday, 11/16/20

    • 14- Week 2 Writing Assignment 2 - Due by Monday, 11/16/20

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    Week 3: Restorative/Yin Yoga & Asana (Standing Poses Part 2)

    • 1- Restorative & Yin Yoga - 60-Minute Practice

    • 2- Asana: Standing Poses Part 2 - 90-Minute Practice

    • 3- Asana: Standing Poses Part 2 - Sequence Review

    • 4- Asana: Standing Poses Part 2 - Utkatasana

    • 5- Asana: Standing Poses Part 2 - Virabhadrasana I

    • 6- Asana: Standing Poses Part 2 - Virabhadrasana 3

    • 7- Asana: Standing Poses Part 2 - Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

    • 8- Asana: Standing Poses Part 2 - Garudasana

    • 11- Week 3 Reading Assignments

    • 12- Week 3 Asana Worksheets - Due by Monday, 11/16/20

    • 13- Week 3 Writing Assignment - Due by Monday, 11/16/20

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    Week 4: Sanskrit/Mantra & Asana (Backbends)

    • 1- Sanskrit & The Power of Mantra

    • 2- Asana: Backbending Overview

    • 3- Asana: Backbending Poses - 90-Minute Practice

    • 4- Asana: Backbending Poses - Sequence Review

    • 5- Asana: Backbending Poses - Salabhasana

    • 6- Asana: Backbending Poses - Ardha Dhanurasana & Dhanurasana

    • 7- Asana: Backbending Poses - Ustrasana

    • 8- Asana: Backbending Poses - Urdhva Dhanurasana

    • 9- Asana: Backbending Poses - Eka Pada Rhajakapotasana

    • 12- Week 4 Reading Assignments

    • 13- Week 4 Asana Worksheets - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • 14- Week 4 Writing Assignment - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

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    Week 5: Physical Body Anatomy

    • 1- Anatomy Overview

    • 2- Anatomy 60-Minute Yoga Practice

    • 3- Anatomy Naming Parts

    • 4- Anatomy Moving Parts

    • 5- Anatomy The Trunk

    • 6- Anatomy Hip Joint

    • 7- Anatomy Shoulders, Elbows, Knees

    • 10- Week 5 Reading Assignments

    • 11- Week 5 Writing Assignment - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

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    Week 6: Sutra Presentations Part 1 & Subtle Body Anatomy

    • 1- Subtle Body - 90-Minute Yoga Practice

    • 2- Subtle Body - Part 1

    • 3- Subtle Body - Movement for Chakra Meditation

    • 4- Subtle Body - Chakra Meditation

    • 5- Subtle Body - Part 2 Movement Warm-up

    • 6- Subtle Body - Part 2 Slideshow

    • 9- Week 6 Reading Assignments

    • 10- Week 6 Writing Assignment - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • Subtle Body Part 3 Slideshow from Live Session

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    Week 7: Sutra Presentations Part 2 & Asana (Rotated Poses)

    • 1- Asana: Rotated Poses - 90-Minute Practice

    • 2- Asana: Rotated Poses - Sequence Review

    • 3- Asana: Rotated Poses - Parsvotassanasana

    • 4- Asana: Rotated Poses - Parivrtta Trikonasana

    • 5- Asana: Rotated Poses - Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana

    • 6- Asana: Rotated Poses - Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

    • 7- Asana: Rotated Poses - Ardha Matsyendrasana

    • 10- Week 7 Reading Assignments

    • 11 - Week 7 First Teaching Experience - Due by 11/16/20

    • 12- Week 7 Asana Worksheets - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • 13- Week 7 Writing Assignment - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

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    Week 8: Sequencing Part 1 & Asana (Inversions)

    • 1- Sequencing Part 1 - Building Your Warmup

    • 2- Sequencing Part 1 - Decoding Surya B

    • 3- Asana: Inversions - 90-Minute Practice

    • 4- Asana: Inversions - Sequence Review

    • 5- Asana: Inversions - Salamba Sirsasana

    • 6- Asana: Inversions - Pinca Mayurasana

    • 7- Asana: Inversions - Adho Mukha Vrksasana

    • 8- Asana: Inversions - Salamba Sarvangasana

    • 9- Asana: Inversions - Viparita Karani

    • 12- Week 8 Reading Assignments

    • 13- Week 8 Asana Worksheets - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

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    Week 9: Specialty Teaching & Asana (Forward Folds)

    • 1- Specialty Teaching - 60-Minute Practice

    • 2- Specialty Teaching - Surya A Prenatal

    • 3- Specialty Teaching - Surya A Beginners

    • 4- Asana: Forward Folds - 90-Minute Practice

    • 5- Asana: Forward Folds - Sequence Review

    • 6- Asana: Forward Folds - Dandasana

    • 7- Asana: Forward Folds - Pascimottanasana

    • 8- Asana: Forward Folds - Janu Sirsasana

    • 9- Asana: Forward Folds - Uphavista Konasana

    • 10- Asana: Forward Folds - Gomukhasana

    • 13- Week 9 Reading Assignments

    • 14- Week 9 Asana Worksheets - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • 15- Week 9 Writing Assignment 1 - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • 16- Week 9 Writing Assignment 2 - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

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    Week 10: Business, Ethics & Social Justice; Sequencing Part 2

    • 1- Sequencing Part 2: 60-Minute Practice

    • 2- Sequencing Part 2: Sequence Review

    • 3 - Social Justice: Podcast Listen and Respond - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • 6- Week 10 Reading Assignments

    • 7- Week 10 Written Assignment

    • 8- Observation Classes Written Responses (3) - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • 9- Study Buddy Group Meetings Written Responses (3) - Due by Monday, 12/14/20

    • 10- FINAL PHYSICAL EXAM - Due by Monday 12/14/20

    • 11- FINAL WRITTEN EXAM - Due by Monday, 12/14/20